Thursday, August 21, 2014

Debian 7 LXDE PCManFM Doesn't Remember Sort

I built a new Debian 7 "Wheezy" LXDE VM this month and noticed that PCManFM seemed to display files and folders in random (natural?) order though at View>Sort Files Ascending and By Name were indicated. Clicking the name header in detailed list view would order things as expected, but the change was not persisted between sessions. I tried changing ui>sort_by in ~/.config/pcmanfm/LXDE/pcmanfm.conf from 0 to 2, but this seemed to have no effect. I found that if you change View>Sort Files Ascending and By Name to something else, say Ascending and By Modification Time, and then return it to Ascending and By Name the change persists and, in fact, you find that ui>sort_by in pcmanfm.conf is now 2.